At Morgan, we place constructability at the core of our engineering philosophy, and it bears significant relevance for our projects. We use our network of subject matter experts to collaboratively provide the best-engineered solutions. The key facets of this constructability-centric approach are:
Integration of Design and Construction: We firmly grasp that what we design must ultimately be constructed. Consequently, we prioritize engineering designs that are not only innovative but also practical and feasible for construction. This fusion of design and construction thinking bridges the divide between concept and reality.
Seamless Transition: Our dedication to construction-focused engineering ensures that the solutions we craft effortlessly transition from initial blueprints to tangible completed projects. This minimizes discrepancies or challenges during the construction phase, resulting in smoother project execution.
Client-Centric Solutions: Our commitment to constructability signifies that our designs are not solely theoretically sound but also align with the practical needs and expectations of our clients. Clients can rely on receiving high-quality designs that are cost-effective and can be efficiently built.
Understanding the Contractor's Role: We acknowledge the pivotal role contractors play in project development. Successful project delivery hinges on collaboration and synergy between engineers and contractors throughout the entire project lifecycle. This awareness sets us apart in the industry.
Budget and Quality Oversight: By considering constructability at every juncture of the process, we empower our clients to exercise superior control over project budgets while maintaining stringent quality standards. We actively identify potential cost-saving opportunities without compromising quality.
Industry Leverage: As part of one of the most respected construction, mining, and engineering firms in North America, we possess a unique advantage. We can tap into the extensive expertise and resources within our organization to provide clients with comprehensive solutions that encompass all aspects of project development.
Our commitment to constructability in engineering underscores our unwavering dedication to delivering practical, cost-effective, and high-quality projects for our clients. By seamlessly integrating design and construction, comprehending the contractor's role, and leveraging our industry position, we offer a competitive edge that ensures enhanced control over budgets and project quality across the entirety of the project lifecycle.